Hi Samantha, I would suggest you to go for SEO packages instead of going for SEO experts. Most of the company doesn't do anything, on the name of SEO they buy packages from the SEO package providers and over sell them as SEO services to the clients and charged 4 times more money from them. You can directly order SEO packages from spackage.com it is the best package provider and you can save a lot of your money too.
Any SEO expert Sydney? I need recommendations for SEO expert in Sydney
Any SEO expert Sydney? I need recommendations for SEO expert in Sydney
Hello, I am searching for the SEO expert in Sydney which can help me to get better ranking results in a short course of time. I need the one that is trustworthy as I had already spent lots of money on an expert that ensure me good rankings, but all their claims got wasted and I have not achieved results yet. Any recommendations will be appreciated, waiting for replies. Thanks
Hi Samantha, I would suggest you to go for SEO packages instead of going for SEO experts. Most of the company doesn't do anything, on the name of SEO they buy packages from the SEO package providers and over sell them as SEO services to the clients and charged 4 times more money from them. You can directly order SEO packages from spackage.com it is the best package provider and you can save a lot of your money too.
Yes, you are right! I also found that these SEO experts do not do anything they have a team of limited employees 3-4 only and their clients are more than 100, so how it is possible to handle the work of all at the same time. They actually purchase SEO packages at cheap rates and charge 5 times more from the clients. Thank you very much for the suggestion, earlier I didn’t know about these packages, but now I placed the order for one, hope I will get good results. Soon I will post my ranking results here on this thread.
Hi there, I also want to share my experience with SPACKAGE.com; 21 days ago I purchased the first package from there after reading this thread:
< http://seoexpertforums.com/my-website-got-penalized-due-to-any-reason-suggest-me-any-sydney-seo-firm-that-can-help-me-out-in-the-best-way-41>
Today my site is ranking on page one, the results are really very surprising. When I buy the first package I don’t have any idea how it works and how my site will get good ranking results. But, now my website appears on the first page of Google, I had never imagined such surprising results quickly. In the past I had spent huge amounts on SEO services and the results that I got was not satisfactory, but now the results make me very happy and I would like to recommend the name of SPACKAGE.com.
Yes, the results of the SEO packages of spackage.com are really very surprising. They save a lot of my money and time. In the past I had spent big amount of time and money in searching of genuine SEO expert Sydney and to check their work status. Buying SEO packages from spackage.com proves a sensible decision for me, after the first month of using these packages my website ranking increases to 92% I believe soon it will reach to the maximum level.
Hello everyone, I also like your suggestion of buying SEO packages and doing SEO by own, and I want to purchase packages from spackage.com and there is a question that I want to ask, the packages will work on my website for a month or 3?
Hi there, all the packages that are offered at SPACKAGE.COM are for three months there is no such offer for a month yet. You can see the results from the first month and the rank of your site will be higher. When I started with it my site was on page 10 and just in 4 weeks it is on page one and #5. The results make me shocked and surprise.
Hello guys, I need your help as my website has still not shown any improvement in the rankings yet. I am using SEO packages offered by spackage.com from 4 months, but unfortunately I don’t get results. Can anyone have the solution of my problem; I really need your guys’ suggestion. I hope I will get better answers to this post.
What? you are using packages for four months and haven’t got the results yet? It is unbelievable; I am an old user of spackage.com I had been never face this kind of problem, maybe there is some problem on your website. Yeah, it is true sometime it requires a time to rank on site on page one due to high competition but, no results or minimum results in 4 months, it is not possible. It didn't take more than 3 months to rank any site on top page, whether the numbers of competitors are larger or less.
Yes, you are correct, there is a problem on my website; I spoke to the guys of spackage.com they told me the content on my website is duplicate, I have to change it, because of this problem my site do not reach at page one yet. But when I read, it is correct, there is no grammatical mistakes and my freelancer fellow told me all the contents are original. I am very confused between what to do or what not?
If they told you the reason, then you should check it once. And if your content is duplicate then it is not possible to get ranked on page one so, first check out your contents and if you find they are duplicates, urgently replace them with fresh and authentic ones. The SEO package of spackage.com that you have is fine, if there is any problem with it, then the guys will alter it immediately when you told them about it.
Thank you very much for the recommendation, I check out the text content on my website with Copyscape site, it is a duplicate content that my freelancer provide me. Now, I will replace it from my website. My freelancer site cheated on me and provides all the duplicate text content. Thank you once again for your help and to let me know about the reason that causes hindrances in the way of my website to be there on page one of Google. After replacing old content I will let you know about my ranking results.
You are welcome Vicki, I wish your site will be on top Google rankings soon. There is no huge problem of duplicate content once you replaced it, then your site will be on page one in 3 to 4 weeks. But, make sure that the entire duplicate content gets replaced, as then only then you can achieve the desired results. Best of luck!!!!
Hi there, I have some questions, can anyone answer me. I want to know is SPACKAGE.com provides any discount? I want to place order for 10 SEO packages for 10 sites. 3 months back, I order one package and I am too satisfied with the ranking results. It also increases traffic on my website, that is why I think about ordering 10 more packages, but don’t know about the discounts they offer. I mail them my query yet they don't respond, does anyone have an idea about the discounts? Here I am showing the results I got for reference!

I don’t think they will, I never got any discount and even I don’t ask them about it. Maybe they have fixed prices because already the costs of their packages are very reasonable. It is better to wait for their response; it might be possible that they offer any discount because of bulk order or there will be a special offer for a bulk order.
No, I don’t think there is any offer for bulk orders; already they offered all the packages at very affordable rates. I recommend the name of spackage.com to many of friends, but not I and any of them yet received any kind of discount. Results are more important than discounts and I am completely satisfied with the results and the amount they charged.
Thank you guys for your replies, recently they replied me and allow the 10% discount for 10 packages, hope this time I will also get same fast ranking for all my 10 websites. I am very happy with the results and the discounts they give for my bulk order. My fingers are crossed 10 sites at one time it is a huge risk that I am going to play, but yes at the same time I am confident too for the packages of SPACKAGE.com
Hey, I am here with the results as I promise to share on this thread. Sorry for the delay, I am very pleased with the results. The ranking of a site is increasing gradually it is on page one and position #4 and I believe it will be on #1 soon. Thank you guys for the suggestion and for letting me know about the reality that how and what SEO experts Sydney do actually. You saved a lot of my money. Here are the results:
Hi there, I replaced all duplicate text content from the site and in 3 weeks it is on page 2, results pleased me a lot. I wish soon to be there on page 1 and on position #1. Cheers!!!
Hey, my website is on page one and #1, thank you so much Renee for the help, traffic to my website is very huge even I don’t have words to describe how happy I am with the results. My competitors are very shocked by the performance of my website and traffic on it.
Congratulations!!!!! And you are welcome, I am glad to know that finally you achieved your desired results.